Life in the boarding house
In the boarding house boys and girls live in separate boarding areas. The girls are mentored by female staff members and the boys by male advisors following the 'small-family-concept'. They are supposed to be partners and people the students can confide in, but they also ensure compliance with the house rules as well as the individual development of each student. Being a boarder also means to take on a certain responsibility for oneself and to participate in the organization of the life in the boarding house adequate to the respective age-group. Students choose a representative. Together with the boarding staff and management they form a conference, which is responsible for all aspects of life in the boarding house. Living together in a confined space requires special consideration from all people. This particularly applies to noise reduction and cleanliness, to a disciplined behavior at meals, during the study period in the evening and after turning off the lights.
The daily plan
The compulsory sequence of the day is determined by the requirements of school and the boarding house. Nevertheless there are the following fixed patterns.
Boarding students report
Unser Unterricht endet so gegen 15.30 Uhr. Er wird aber durch das Mittagessen unterbrochen, welches wir gemeinsam mit den deutschen Mitschülern einnehmen. Wenn wir dann am Nachmittag zurück ins Internat kommen, müssen wir uns für den nächsten Tag vorbereiten und Hausaufgaben machen. Die jüngeren Schüler haben eine feste Studierzeit von 16.30-18.00 Uhr, für die älteren Schüler gilt die freie Studierzeit, das heißt, jeder kann selbständig entscheiden, wann er seine Aufgaben erledigt.