Schulleben > Archive > 2012


Auszeichnungsfahrt nach Prag

Am 13.12.2012 fahren die besten Schüler der binationalen Klassen 7-12 nach Prag. Sie werden das Kloster Strahov, das Außenministerium, das Sächsisches Verbindungsbüro und anschließend den Altstädter Weihnachtsmarkt besuchen. Es ist eine traditionelle Auszeichnungsfahrt, an der auch die Generalkonsulin der Tschechischen Republik teilnimmt. Die Fahrt wurde uns von RVD Fernbuslinien ermöglicht (gesponsert).

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Poems - an entirely different approach

A poetry workshop with eight real poets from the Czech Republic and Germany awaited us but none of us had a clue what to expect. On Monday, November 26, 2012, some young and some older authors, who were nominated for the Dresden Literary Prize, welcomed us in the school library. Of course, only one of them won it, and he also spend some time with us.

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Naming ceremony in the boarding house

On November 13, 2012, a ceremony to celebrate the naming of the small hall of the binational boarding house of Friedrich Schiller Gymnasium took place. Numerous personalities from the political and cultural sectors accepted the invitation.

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Grade 7/5’s environmental project in the Czech Republic

From October 8 to 12, 2012, grade 7/5 together with their teachers Ms. Geppert and Ms. Haupt and some Czech students stayed in the Czech Republic in order to carry out an environmental project. After a three-hour ride, we arrived at Lesná. On the first day we tried out geocaching in the forest. After all this walking we had dinner, which is a real feast in the Czech Republic. After dinner we went to the second house where we played games and created our profiles in German and Czech

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