Poems - an entirely different approach
A poetry workshop with eight real poets from the Czech Republic and Germany awaited us but none of us had a clue what to expect. On Monday, November 26, 2012, some young and some older authors, who were nominated for the Dresden Literary Prize, welcomed us in the school library. Of course, only one of them won it, and he also spend some time with us.
After a short introduction of the participants in Czech and German, the school’s promotion association hosted a breakfast buffet with coffee and tea. Everything looked really exquisite and must have cost a lot. Nevertheless, we wondered if it had been really worth spending all the money, because we found a little bug in a lettuce leaf.
After breakfast we continued our work in eight small teams, each consisting of three or four students. The poets went to their rooms - classrooms that had been set up for their needs, where they started their individual work with the students’ teams. While one group tried to recite a poem from different emotional backgrounds, others grabbed their pen to write their own poems or to translate them from one language into the other. yet others tried to approach poetry by the use of different artistic means: pictures were painted and a short humorous theatrical play was rehearsed. No matter, in which group we were, the poets showed us completely new ways to deal with texts and that there are no bounds to our creativity. We realized that there is a little artist in all of us. Was this a motivation for our future? Maybe... We would like to thank everyone involved for their great work: Thomas Böhme, Anna Brikciusová, Daniela Danz, Renatus Deckert, Radek Fridrich, Hartwig Mauritz, Michal Šanda und Irena Šťastná.