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Doping at the Dragon Boat Race!

Town festival in Pirna. Every nerve is strained. Nine dragon boats are ready to compete against each other. All of them want to win. The FSG team has had enough of always being among the last ones. That’s been very frustrating! So the participants decided to go for the ultimate solution: ‘doping’. The name of the boat said it all: Schiller’s ‘The Robbers’ expressed their will to fight.


And lo and behold: it worked out. Their third place will go down in the history books of the school. The ‘doping’ is actually supposed to be a secret but the cat is out of the bag now. The team pushed themselves with enthusiasm, determination and a lot of fun.


Would you like to be on the podium next year? Then hurry up applying to our coach, Mrs. Neuper. The boat has only 19 seats.

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