Schulleben > Archive > 2017


Additional Selection Procedure for the Czech Part of Binational Grade 8

Czech students who are in year 8 at an elementary school or a corresponding year at a Czech high school may apply for subsequent enrollment at the binational-bilingual course of education at Friedrich Schiller Gymnasium, Pirna until January 31, 2017.

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School Band ‘Achtsam’ at East Saxon BandClash

On January 21, 2017, the school band ‘Achtsam’ made a successful appearance in a professional atmosphere at BandClash. The Saxon Ministry of Education had invited eight school bands to the regional finals of East Saxony in Dresden.

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Unsere Vernissage „Stadtwelten“

Ein riesiger Erfolg

Am 17.01.2017 lud der Fotomedia-Kurse der Jahrgangsstufe 12 des FSG Pirna, alle Fotobegeisterten zu ihrer Vernissage ins Amtsgericht Pirna ein.

Angeregt durch Fotografien in Omas altem Fotoalbum gingen die Schüler auf Motivsuche in Pirna und entdeckten viele interessante Details.

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„Tages der offenen Tür“

Am Freitag, den 3. Februar 2017, bot sich mal wieder für alle Interessierten die Möglichkeit, im Rahmen des alljährlich organisierten „Tages der offenen Tür“, unsere Schule zu erkunden.

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Carnival 2017

February 28 - we know that on this day carnival is celebrated everywhere, and so it was in the boarding house too. The students from the binational classes appeared wearing different kinds of masks, for example that of a cat or a scientist. How did everything go?

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Schüleraustausch in Prag

An dem 27.03.2017 fuhren Schüler der Klassenstufe 9 zum Schüleraustausch nach Prag. Einige Schüler schreiben über ihre Eindrücke.

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Our visit to German Chancellor Angela Merkel

On Monday, April 3, 2017, a group of 30 students from the German-Czech course of education went on an exciting study trip to the capital accompanied by Mr. Wenzel, Ms. Pfitzner, Ms. Weber and Mr. Křenek. Our first destination was the Czech Center in the Embassy of the Czech Republic. When we arrived around noon, we were warmly welcomed and talked about the German-Czech relations. We were impressed by the various offers of cultural cooperation between Germany and the Czech Republic.

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Klasse 6/5 fährt nach Prag

Drei Tage vor den Osterferien sind wir die Klasse 6/5 nach Prag gefahren. Dort haben wir bei unseren Gastfamilien übernachtet.

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Schulband Achtsam beim Flughafen-Familientag

Im Rahmen der Partnerschaft zwischen dem Flughafen Dresden International und dem FSG wurde der Schulband angeboten, beim Familientag am 7. Mai 2017 aufzutreten.

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Doping at the Dragon Boat Race!

Town festival in Pirna. Every nerve is strained. Nine dragon boats are ready to compete against each other. All of them want to win. The FSG team has had enough of always being among the last ones. That’s been very frustrating!

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Anniversary at FSG

Anniversary at Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium under the patronage of the state’s premier

A remarkable anniversary at Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium is going to take place on Sunday, August 6th, 2017. A new German-Czech class is being formed at the school for the twentieth time in succession. At the beginning of the 1996 school year, the first 15 German students started in grade 5; two years later they were joined by the Czech students so that the first BINA-class (binational and bilingual) was ready to get going in 1998. 

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Traces of Jewish Faith and Life

Us, grade 6/1, went to the Dresden synagogue on Thursday, September 7. One member of the community told us a lot about Judaism, e.g. how a fireman saved the Star of David when the Nazis set fire to the synagogue.

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An Interview with the new school representatives

Dear Readers,
we are the student reporters of Schillergymnasium. We have interviewed the student representatives of our school.

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St. Nicholas in the Boarding House

Just like in the previous years, St. Nikolaus visited the boarding house on the evening of December 6, following a Czech tradition. Accompanied by a devil and an angel, St. Nicholas’ stately figure blocked the way to the canteen so that no student was able to pass.

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Martial Arts Camp

- a weekend together in the boarding house

On the weekend of November 17 - 19, the boarders could spend a weekend together in the boarding house. The main theme was sports, ...

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